Baseball Poetry

Dedicated to the writing of those invited to participate in a baseball poetry project. Those invited were asked to 1) go to a baseball game, any game and 2) create a poem, in any shape or form about that particular game or some memory of baseball, for the purpose of developing a collection. Most baseball poetry collections are ones culled from the works of famous poets; this one is designed to be more democratic, inviting some established poets and others moved to write baseball poems.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Invitation to Contributors

Hi, baseball poets. In subsequent posts I will try to recover the history of the development of this exciting project, posting the original invitations and assorted materials I have sent out, including a list of contributors/invitees. I suggest you post your poems (in separate posts, not as responses to this post!) as you feel they are ready to share your drafts, and folks can respond to poems of fellow contributors as they are able/willing. This way we will avoid email clogging, and you can get to posting and responding in this more private way. I hope this works! I think it will! Iw ill send you reminders to post/respond periodically.


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