Baseball Poetry

Dedicated to the writing of those invited to participate in a baseball poetry project. Those invited were asked to 1) go to a baseball game, any game and 2) create a poem, in any shape or form about that particular game or some memory of baseball, for the purpose of developing a collection. Most baseball poetry collections are ones culled from the works of famous poets; this one is designed to be more democratic, inviting some established poets and others moved to write baseball poems.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Version of the Original Invitation

It's August 1, Wrigley Field, Cubs vs. Diamondbacks, at 7:05 pm.

The basic idea : you go to a game (that game or any other) and either write about that or write about baseball generally (or some specific memory of a game).

An additional point of interest for those attending the Cubs game (and not a planned dimension of the experience) is that it appears to be "seventies night" at Wrigley, whatever that means. In addition to those 20-25 attending this game, there are (so far) at least a dozen other people seeing games (major league, minor league, semi-pro) all over the country on or about August 1 (or in August, let's say) and agreeing to write something. It's possible that a collection of some kind is forming, who knows, but I already did some preliminary investigation of the kinds of presses that might be interested in the work of a collection of professional poets and wannabees, and there is in fact interest in this kind of thing.

Those who are participating range from Norton Anthology caliber poets (Franco Pagnucci from Barnes) to "scratch" poets, but all are committed to at least trying to come up with something. Let me know if yr interested.
It might be fun.

This started out as an invitation to maybe ten friends, and has just grown! It was initially inspired by a "bowling poems" experience of maybe ten years ago in Madison, where a chapbook emerged. I thought, why not baseball? Why not you?



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