Wisconsin Timber Rattlers vs. Beloit Snappers, August 5, 2006
David Schaafsma
Seventh Beloit home run disappears
Into a stand of pines, two Sand
Hill Cranes split the moon
Seventh Beloit home run disappears
Into a stand of pines, two Sand
Hill Cranes split the moon
At 9:57 AM,
David Schaafsma said…
Okay, I know that is not technically a haiku, which is 5-7-5 syllables, not words, though I am emboldened by none other than haiku expert and author and our very own baseball poetry blog contributor John O'Connor who suggests some slipperiness is possible with the form. . . But nevertheless, I awoke at 5 this morning and marched out a syllabic version which is tighter and makes a change of a fact I had made up anyway (seventh to sixth) (though the rest of the facts are not made up, promise, except there really were two cranes, not the one in this version):
Sixth Beloit home run
Swallowed by ancient pine grove
Sand Hill Crane splits moon
At 10:42 AM,
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