Baseball Poetry

Dedicated to the writing of those invited to participate in a baseball poetry project. Those invited were asked to 1) go to a baseball game, any game and 2) create a poem, in any shape or form about that particular game or some memory of baseball, for the purpose of developing a collection. Most baseball poetry collections are ones culled from the works of famous poets; this one is designed to be more democratic, inviting some established poets and others moved to write baseball poems.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Ya Gotta Believe

William Krubsack

To root for the Cubs is to test one's faith,
For at times they've played with the worst.

And yet, there were moments of saving grace,
As it went from Banks to Baker to first.

A team in contention draws fans to the park,
From as far a-field as Wauwatosa.

At times, the lures were those sultans of swat,
Mighty sluggers like Sandberg and Sosa.

To win the title would ruin it all,
As their home would become a house without love.

Moving the franchise simply cannot be done,
For Chicago fits the Cubs like a glove.


  • At 10:36 AM, Blogger David Schaafsma said…

    Tara's Uncle Bill was supposed to go to a game with us, and understood a condition of such attendance was to write a poem. He couldn't finally make it, but he sent a poem, anyway!

  • At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Uncle Bill:
    I couldn't agree with you more--"keep the faith when the day is long, keep the faith so you stay strong, keep the faith for the old home team, keep the faith for our hopes and dreams!"
    Thanks for sharing your work


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