Baseball Poetry

Dedicated to the writing of those invited to participate in a baseball poetry project. Those invited were asked to 1) go to a baseball game, any game and 2) create a poem, in any shape or form about that particular game or some memory of baseball, for the purpose of developing a collection. Most baseball poetry collections are ones culled from the works of famous poets; this one is designed to be more democratic, inviting some established poets and others moved to write baseball poems.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Baseball: A Friends' Delight

Eric Glicker

Striding through the parking lot, lost among a cacophony of cars

Friend and his wife meeting me between two giant catcher's mitts

Cell phone rings; confirming my arrival; destination stadium ahead

All around swarms of folks; happy faces, "the bee's knees"—Baseball!

Angels we have heard on high, eleven tickets in the nosebleed section:

Perched atop right field; tired vendors crawling, melting ice cream…

The Rangers deep-in-the-harta-of-Disney OC take the field of dreams

Mega-state ball teams rolling; Big-Box-Bucks, sold-out crowd of 44,000;

Here goes the pitch, up comes my heart hoping for action—Go Team!

Dance the dance—get down tonight, shoot for the lights, hit it so right;

Make the fans scream, 2002 World Series, this could be our reunion;

Innings come and go; Life: a Series of transitions—fate is our umpire…

Check my messages, guess who foned? IUP folks say wishUWRhere!

Steve, Marjie…a chorus of friends, study in PA, in summer faraway...

Call to thank'em, 4 hours flight, my heart arrives first: Wishing 2Bthere!

Returning-present game…Any body score? Friend Dan signals Zippo

Go to grab some grub; want anything? Hot dog + chips=good times…

Line is long, go down a floor; stadium marketplace—beer and cheer;

Back to the seat, bearing burdens of fast food-guilty for those in need:

The Food Courtesian; "We think; Darfur don't eat"; mankind my brothers

Finally—Vlade Guerrero doubles on the outfield wall—eruptions of joy!

Back in the game: say my name; say my name, "Kotchman's Ribbie…"

We score; High-fiving my friends…Staying in first place another day

Take me out to the ball game, forget my pains, be one with the crowd!

Someone says fireworks shooting up soon...colored skies; soulful music

Whatta show—like the Fourth—we OO and AH; Upper deck's not too bad!

Why does the game gotta end? Doubleheaders are better than one shot,

The Eyes have it! Our voices second "Aye!" A bloggin' we will go!

Bio: Eric Glicker is a community college instructor in Southern California. He has also been a high school teacher. He is currently working on his PhD. in English Composition and TESOL at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He is the Co-Chair for the Blogs, Wikis and Social Software SIG at the College Composition & Communication Conference. He recently had an article on service-learning published in CATESOL, a peer-reviewed academic journal. Eric has worked with organizations such as the Habitat for Humanity and the American Red Cross.


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