Baseball Poetry

Dedicated to the writing of those invited to participate in a baseball poetry project. Those invited were asked to 1) go to a baseball game, any game and 2) create a poem, in any shape or form about that particular game or some memory of baseball, for the purpose of developing a collection. Most baseball poetry collections are ones culled from the works of famous poets; this one is designed to be more democratic, inviting some established poets and others moved to write baseball poems.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Recipe for Fun

Dean Gilliland

Uniforms and baseball bats
buses and gloves
Splinters on benches
and penalties for shoves
Getting blisters when you bat
and championships won
Going swimming after games
Baseball is what you call fun.

Dean is the son of proud mother Amber
Rogers, formerly McNeil, see her poem about
Dean, below. Dean wrote this poem in 5th grade
at Whittier Elementary School in Oak Park, IL.
He now attends Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
in Oak Park.
It's an example of "Recipe Poetry"
-what they were working on in class.


  • At 3:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like the multisensory effect of your poem! "A Recipe for Fun" is a great piece of writing.


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